06/06/73 Avyakt BapDada Revised: 29/08/94
Whom is BapDada is seeing today? Just as Baba has been remembered by many names because of His different acts, so too, the children are also remembered by many names. Can you tell in which form Baba is seeing you today? Can you recognise Baba's thoughts? Today, BapDada is seeing His jewels. Some are the jewels of the forehead, some are the jewels around the neck and some are the jewels of the heart. Baba is happy to see the three types of jewels. All of you consider yourselves to be jewels, do you not? This is a gathering of the jewels. Which is the most elevated jewel out of all the jewels? Each of you can know yourself as to whether you are a jewel of the first number, the second number or the third number. Do you know what the speciality is of the first number jewel? The first number is the jewel on the forehead. This jewel has two specialities. You can easily know the specialities of your own form. Now, you must not simply know them, but you have to see to what extent you have become the form of those specialities. Whatever is someone's form, he finds it easy to describe. Who am I? What am I like? You also have to speak of this. Baba is simply asking you of just two specialities. You have many specialities, but Baba is asking you of just two of these. (Many ideas were given.) The two specialities of the jewel of the forehead are that firstly, it is equaland secondly, it is close. Equal to BapDada. All the things of which all of you have spoken are included in this. BapDada is the form of light and might. So, to be equal to the Father means to be the form of light and might. Babais the Almighty Authority, and so you have become complete with all the powers, the same as the Father. Baba isconstantly the embodiment of all success, that is, He always has total success. Such jewels of the forehead who areequal to the Father are also the embodiment of success. You are worthy of all the praise that belongs to the Father,that is, you are the complete embodiment of all the praise of the Father. Secondly, closeness. You are close toBapDada, but together with that, you are also close in the sanskars and nature of all the souls of the world. Becauseof being close to BapDada, because of having the power to discern, no matter what type of sanskars someone has, nomatter how far away they may be, you, like a magnet, are those who bring souls close to the Father. You are thosewho bring them close to the virtues and the task of the Father. To be close means to be the form of a magnet.Because of being like a magnet and close to the Magnet, on the basis of having all powers, you become theinstruments to uplift the whole world. Close souls are the ones who are the support of the world and the ones whouplift the world; these are the jewels of the forehead. Such jewels of the forehead consider themselves to be an imageof upliftment and support for the world in every thought, every action and every step. That is, at this time, they havethe crown and are seated on the throne. The crown and the throne of the future are nothing compared to the crownand throne of the present time. Only such great souls have a right to such an elevated crown and throne. They are theones who constantly move along whilst having the crown and the throne. It is not that they sometimes take off theircrown or get off the throne. They have the crown and throne at all times. So, do you know the crown and throne?The throne and crown of the present time are even more elevated than the crown and throne of when you become theworld emperor. If you do not become the kings at the confluence age, you cannot become the kings in the future. So,we should think that this is a gathering of great kings. Only one would be able to sit on the throne of the future,numberwise; two will not be able to sit there instead of one. When it is the form of a couple, it is still only onecouple. However, the throne of the confluence age is so big that however many want to sit on the throne, they can allsit on it. You have the place, but you need to have the stage. Without having the stage, you cannot receive the placeon the throne. So, have all of you taken your place, or are you still booking it? If you do not have the crown, youcannot be seated on the throne. There are very strong conditions attached to this throne. It is a huge throne, but theconditions are as large as the size of the throne.
I am a world benefactor: have you adopted this crown of responsibility? Do you perform every task as a worldbenefactor or are you only bringing benefit to your own self? Just as people on the family life say that they areengaged in looking after their own family, in the same way, you are not just engaged in looking after the household ofyour effort, are you? Are you accumulating enough to be able to feed yourself. Do you still have desires and seekblessings from the Father? Are you still engaged in asking for courage and help? When will those who are even nowengaged in receiving help just for the self become the bestowers who can give to the world? Will they become this atthe end? Will you be able to take a high jump at that time? No. Only those who have the sanskars for a long periodof time receive the fortune of the kingdom for a long period of time. Always remember the slogan: If not now, thennever. Do not think that you will do whatever you need to do at the end. Not when, not then, but now! You have tobecome the ones with such a crown and throne. Which throne? You are seated on the throne, and so you know yourthrone, do you not? To be seated on Baba's heart負hrone. Have you seen the memorial of this heart負hrone? Theheart is the throne. What is the memorial of this? The place you are sitting in is the memorial. There is the Dilwalatemple. Dilwala is the memorial of those who give and receive the heart.
Who can be seated on the heart負hrone? Those who give their heart to the Comforter of Hearts and who claim theFather's heart. You do not just have to give; those who know how to give and also how to win are able to be seatedon the heart負hrone. How will you win the Father's heart? How can you win anyone's heart? Whatever is theelevated thought in someone's heart: to fulfil that thought means to win that one's heart. To win the Father's heartmeans to become the world benefactors and bestow all powers to the whole world. Do you also know how to receive,or do you become happy just in giving? Is it easy to give or to receive? Which is an easy bargain to make? In fact, ifyou know how to give, then you automatically know how to receive. Once you have given your heart to BapDada,then it belongs to the one to whom you have given it. To whom does something that is given away belong? Does itbelong to you or to the one to whom you have given it? You have given it, have you not? Do you then take it backagain? Do you still keep some pieces of your heart? Is it still like this? If someone who has already given the heartthen sells it to someone else, if someone sells something that has been given in trust to him, that is not good. Onceyou have given the heart, it then belongs to the Comforter of Hearts. Will the thought of your heart be the same as thethought of the other one's heart, or will there be a difference? What does it mean to win someone's heart? Whateveris the Father's thought, that should be your thought. Since the heart belongs to Him, then the thought would be thesame; there would not be a difference. Will those who know how to give their heart, know how to win, or will theyfind it difficult? If they find it difficult to give, it means they do not have a heart to give. You have still kept a piecewith yourself. Do not keep even a little piece secretly with yourself. Those who know how to give and also receiveare clever, are they not? There is a story about this. It is a very well虺nown story. You have forgotten your ownstory. It is a story about those who secretly kept a piece of their heart hidden away. It is the story of the trueNarayan. That which was considered very valuable was hidden, and so that became as worthless as straws. Herealso, if you hide even a little piece of your heart from the true Father who makes you into the true Narayan, then whatwould be the state of the boat of your life? It would become as worthless as straw, that is, you would have noattainment at all. Your hands would remain empty. Even if someone only steals one penny, he is still called a thief.If someone steals a thousand and another only steals a penny, both would still be called thieves. Someone who onlysteals little things steals again and again, whereas someone who steals a lot only steals once. Therefore, once youhave given your heart, you have given it. Those who give their heart in this way are like the jewels of the forehead,constant lighthouses and might虐ouses. Here, you must not just be a lighthouse, but together with that, you must alsobecome a might虐ouse.
Only such souls are called the jewels of the forehead. Now, tell Baba, are you the jewels of the forehead? Just as theforehead is the place of your consciousness, in the same way, the sign of being a jewel of the forehead is to be aconstant embodiment of remembrance. The jewel of the forehead is a very good decoration. If the jewel of theforehead is sparkling, it makes such a beautiful decoration. The jewel of the forehead is the most elevated decoration. Everyone's vision is automatically drawn towards the decoration. The vision of all the souls of the world is drawn,that is, they are automatically attracted towards such jewels of the forehead. Are you such a jewel of the forehead?What would you be able to see if you kept a jewel in the dark? It would also carry out the task of giving light. So,what task will the jewel of the forehead carry out in the dark night of the world, that is, amidst the darkness of all fourdirections? That of showing the path and making them reach their destination; to make each one attain his goal. Areyou such jewels of the forehead or do you sometimes stumble around? Will those who themselves are stumbling beable to make others reach their destination? Such jewels of the forehead will never wander around in the alleys of themany types of wasteful thoughts. There are also many types of alleys, and by going into these, you move away fromyour destination. So, you are not still wandering in the alleys, are you? When you follow the directions of the oneFather and are absorbed in the love of the one Father, then would those who only follow the directions of One nothave a constant stage? If you do not have a constant stage, then you are definitely mixing the directions of someoneelse with the directions of the One. If you are only following the directions of the One, you would definitely have aconstant stage. If you mix in your old sanskars, then this is also not following the directions of One. Those are thedirections of the soul itself; they are the sanskars that the soul has created according to the actions it has performed;they are not the sanskars created by Godly knowledge. So, when you mix in your old sanskars, you wander around inmany alleys and do not have a constant stage. You do not remain stable on the one destination. So your wanderingshould now have stopped; it should not be that you are still wandering. Your wandering to the different attractions ofMaya has also now finished. So where have the alleys of wasteful thoughts emerged from? You should now finishwandering around in the alleys of your own nature. Just as when you hold a seminar, at the end, you present aresolution, in the same way, you must now pass this resolution that your wandering should stop. This is also aseminar of Brahmins. A meeting means a seminar. You extract many points in a seminar and try to have thempassed. That Government does not pass that which this Pandav Government will pass, so all of you together shouldpass this. To simply raise your hand just for the sake of it is easy. Nothing can happen with just that (physical)finger. But this is the finger of determined thought. Unless you raise this finger, you cannot pass. Do youunderstand?
To the mahavirs who give the finger of determined thought in one second; to the elevated souls who maintain equalityin their thoughts and actions; to those who are seated on the heart負hrone and who are the embodiment of theawareness of being a world benefactor; to the children who have the crown and throne, love, remembrances andnamaste from BapDada.
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